Jimmy Doolittle Air & Space Museum
 Also known as the Travis Air Museum

‘Extreme Makeover’ - Museum Edition
The Museum Board has initiated a total transformation of the web site. Links to progress updates will be available on:

• June 1st     • July 1st     • August 1st.

The new web site will be launched on Sept. 1st, 2006.

General Office: (707) 424-5605
Curator: (707) 424-5598
Gift Shop: (707) 424-4450
General Information: Gary Leiser

Mission Statement:
To honor the sacrifices of the Doolittle Raiders; and to portray the history of Travis Air Force Base's contribution to the development of airlift in the Pacific.

Jimmy Doolittle Air & Space Museum • Copyright 2001-2006 • All Rights Reserved • Created by Classic Insight