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THE IMPACT OF ALCOHOLISM ON SOCIETY Alcoholism is one of the most devastating diseases known. It not only effects the individual, but it generally destroys family life, causes accidents on our highways and in the work place. It is responsible for the destruction of human lives and property and the loss of many talented people who are unable to function satisfactorily on the job due to it. Perhaps those most adversely affected are the innocent family members, namely the children of the alcoholic. Their lives are disrupted or destroyed by the trauma experienced when one or both parents are alcoholic. They are many times more susceptible to becoming alcoholic due to the genetic factors associated with the disease. Also, they are prone to suicide and other mental disorders when subjected to the painful consequences of active parental alcoholism. In many instances there is the deprivation of material things due to the parent's excessive spending and loss of a job because of their inability to perform. Regardless of the programs available to assist the alcoholic, unlike other diseases, the initial symptoms of it as ignored until there is a major disruption in one's ability to function in a satisfactory manner. In the work situation, mixed emotions prevail regarding the dismissal or retention of those who become addicted to alcohol. Supervisors and fellow employees become aware of the problem long before the individual is willing to concede that they are alcoholic. In most incidences, many attempts are made to salvage the once productive worker. The family also becomes a part of the problem by first, ignoring the problem exists, second, by protecting the person in the beginning, and then rejecting them because of their inability to control their intake. Every segment of our society is grossly affected when a person becomes alcoholic. At least five family members in the average family feel the negative influence the alcoholic wields on the entire family including relatives. In the community and in the work place alcoholism has a dynamic effect. Not only does it cause an emotional hardship on close friends, it's effect on the economy is very important. The inability to continue to provide the family with the necessities of life often causes the immediate family to seek public assistance. It must be realized however that not all alcoholics become financially dependent because of their problem. Alcoholism is prevalent in all economic levels of our society. There are answers to the problem but the majority of the alcoholics do not seek assistance until they have lost many of the things they are used to. Perhaps one of the most important losses is the loss of love by those close to the alcoholic. There is nothing more painful than being rejected by those who were once an acceptable member of the family and the community. The most successful program is Alcoholics Anonymous. this program is responsible for providing recovery to untold numbers of alcoholics because of the unique and non evasive approach to coping with the disease. This is accomplished without imposing a financial burden on the individual or family of the afflicted. People in all walks of life have found an answer to this disease through the participation in AA. Long term hospitalization, loss of work, or the threat of losing loved ones is the exception rather than the rule when one practices the principles of the AA Program in their daily life. The purpose of this book is to share the experiences I have endured over the years due to alcoholism and to point out some of the pitfalls to a problem that plagues our society. There are many variables on the road to alcoholism. Some of the points emphasized in this personal history may not be applicable to everyone who becomes alcoholic, however the general pattern of progression is experienced by many who ultimately become addicted to alcoholism. One condition which is common to all who become alcoholic. They do inflict a much pain on themselves, their friends and relatives while they are actively engaged in using alcohol. The answer to this problem is total abstinence. It is hoped that the presentation of this material with help to resolve whatever individual conflicts or compulsions exist in their struggle to feel good about themselves and function in a positive and stable manner. Chapter One |
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